class hmclab.Samplers.HMC(seed: Optional[int] = None)[source]#

Bases: hmclab.Samplers._AbstractSampler

__init__(seed: Optional[int] = None) None#

Constructor that sets the random number generator for the sampler. Pass a seed to make a Markov chain reproducible (given that all settings are re-used.)


seed (int) – Description of parameter seed.



Constructor that sets the random number generator for the sampler.







Print Jupyter widget from _repr_html_() to stdout.


Sampling using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm.



A NumPy ndarray containing all past acceptance rates.


An integer representing the amount of accepted proposals.


A positive integer representing the amount of integration steps to be used in solving Hamiltons equations.


A positive integer representing the amount of times the sampler has written to disk.


A boolean indicating if the stepsize is tuned towards a specific acceptance rate using diminishing adaptive parameters.



A float representing the total energy associated with the current state.


A float representing the kinetic energy associated with the current state.


A NumPy array containing the model at the current state of the Markov chain.


A NumPy ndarray (shape dimensions × 1) containing the momentum at the current state of the Markov chain.


An integer representing the current proposal index (before thinning) of the Markov chain.


An integer representing the current proposal index after thinning of the Markov chain.


A float containing \(\chi = -\log\left( p\\right)\) (i.e.


Boolean describing whether functions need to be profiled for performance.


An integer representing the dimensionality in which the MCMC sampler works.


A bool describing whether or not to disable the TQDM progressbar


The _AbstractDistribution-derived object on which the sampler works.


Time (and date) at which sampling was terminated / finished.


Integer describing how many samples lie between the attempted swap of states between samplers.


A pre-communicated exchange schedule determining when and which samplers try to exchange states.


Array of functions to be profiled, typically contains functions only from the abstract base class.





A float tuning the rate of decrease at which a new step size is adapted, according to rate = (iteration_number) ** (-learning_rate).



An object representing the artificial masses assigned to each parameters.


A float representing the maximum time in seconds that sampling is allowed to take before it is automatically terminated.


Minimal stepsize which is chosen if stepsize becomes zero or negative during autotuning.


Sampler name.


An integer representing the interval between stored samples.


A boolean describing if this sampler works in an array of multiple samplers.


A matrix of two-way communicators between samplers.


A float representing how many seconds lies between an update of the progress bar statistics (acceptance rate etc.).


An integer representing the amount of requested proposals for a run.


A float representing the total energy associated with the proposed state.


A float representing the kinetic energy associated with the proposed state.


A NumPy array containing the model at the proposed state of the Markov chain.


A NumPy ndarray (shape dimensions × 1) containing the momentum at the proposed state of the Markov chain.


A float containing \(\chi = -\log\left( p\\right)\) (i.e.


A NumPy ndarray containing the samples that are as of yet not written to disk.


A positive integer indicating the size of the RAM buffer in amount of samples.


Boolean describing whether or not to randomize the stepsize slightly for every trajectory, by a Uniform~[0.5-1.5] * stepsize.



An integer describing the index of the parallel sampler in the array of samplers.


Array of sampler specific functions to be profiled.


A string containing the HDF5 group of the hdf5 file to which samples will be stored.


A HDF5 file handle of the hdf5 file to which samples will be stored.


A string containing the path+filename of the hdf5 file to which samples will be stored.


Time (and date) at which sampling was started.


A positive float representing the time step to be used in solving Hamiltons equations.


A NumPy ndarray containing all past stepsizes for the HMC algorithm.


A float representing the optimal acceptance rate used for autotuning, if autotuning is True.


An integer representing how often this sampler object has started sampling.

stepsize: float = 0.1#

A positive float representing the time step to be used in solving Hamiltons equations. Has a strong influence on acceptance rate. An essential tuning parameter.

amount_of_steps: int = 10#

A positive integer representing the amount of integration steps to be used in solving Hamiltons equations. Has a medium influence on acceptance rate. An essential tuning parameter.

mass_matrix: hmclab.MassMatrices._AbstractMassMatrix = None#

An object representing the artificial masses assigned to each parameters. Needs to be a subtype of _AbstractMassMatrix. Has a strong influence on convergence rate. An essential tuning parameter.

current_momentum: numpy.ndarray = None#

A NumPy ndarray (shape dimensions × 1) containing the momentum at the current state of the Markov chain. Indicates direction in which the model will initially move along its numerical trajectory. Will be resampled from the mass matrix for each proposal.

current_k: float = nan#

A float representing the kinetic energy associated with the current state. Typically follows the ChiSquared[dimensions] distribution.

current_h: float = nan#

A float representing the total energy associated with the current state.

proposed_momentum: numpy.ndarray = None#

A NumPy ndarray (shape dimensions × 1) containing the momentum at the proposed state of the Markov chain. Indicates direction in which the model was moving at the end of its numerical trajectory. Will be computed deterministically from the current_momentum, i.e. the state the Markov chain started in.

proposed_k: float = nan#

A float representing the kinetic energy associated with the proposed state.

proposed_h: float = nan#

A float representing the total energy associated with the proposed state.

name: str = 'Hamiltonian Monte Carlo'#

Sampler name.

autotuning: bool = False#

A boolean indicating if the stepsize is tuned towards a specific acceptance rate using diminishing adaptive parameters.

learning_rate: float = 0.75#

A float tuning the rate of decrease at which a new step size is adapted, according to rate = (iteration_number) ** (-learning_rate). Needs to be larger than 0.5 and equal to or smaller than 1.0.

target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.65#

A float representing the optimal acceptance rate used for autotuning, if autotuning is True.

acceptance_rates: numpy.ndarray = None#

A NumPy ndarray containing all past acceptance rates. Collected if autotuning is True.

randomize_stepsize: bool = True#

Boolean describing whether or not to randomize the stepsize slightly for every trajectory, by a Uniform~[0.5-1.5] * stepsize.

print_results() None#

Print Jupyter widget from _repr_html_() to stdout.

stepsizes: numpy.ndarray = None#

A NumPy ndarray containing all past stepsizes for the HMC algorithm. Collected if autotuning is True.

minimal_stepsize: float = 1e-18#

Minimal stepsize which is chosen if stepsize becomes zero or negative during autotuning.

sample(samples_hdf5_filename: str, distribution: hmclab.Distributions.base._AbstractDistribution, stepsize: float = 0.1, randomize_stepsize: Optional[bool] = None, amount_of_steps: int = 10, mass_matrix: Optional[hmclab.MassMatrices._AbstractMassMatrix] = None, integrator: str = 'lf', initial_model: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, proposals: int = 100, online_thinning: int = 1, diagnostic_mode: bool = False, ram_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, overwrite_existing_file: bool = False, max_time: Optional[float] = None, autotuning: bool = False, target_acceptance_rate: float = 0.65, learning_rate: float = 0.75, queue=None, disable_progressbar=False)[source]#

Sampling using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm.

  • samples_hdf5_filename (str) – String containing the (path+)filename of the HDF5 file to contain the samples. A required parameter.

  • distribution (_AbstractDistribution) – The distribution to sample. Should be an instance of a subclass of _AbstractDistribution. A required parameter.

  • stepsize (float) – A positive float representing the time step to be used in solving Hamiltons equations. Has a strong influence on acceptance rate. An essential tuning parameter.

  • amount_of_steps (int) – A positive integer representing the amount of integration steps to be used in solving Hamiltons equations. Has a medium influence on acceptance rate. An essential tuning parameter.

  • mass_matrix (_AbstractMassMatrix) – An object representing the artificial masses assigned to each parameters. Needs to be a subtype of _AbstractMassMatrix. Has a strong influence on convergence rate. One passing None, defaults to the Unit mass matrix. An essential tuning parameter.

  • integrator (str) – String containing “lf”, “3s” or “4s” for a leapfrog, 3-stage or 4-stage symplectic integrator respectively, to be used during the trajectory calculation.

  • initial_model (_numpy) – A NumPy column vector (shape dimensions × 1) containing the starting model of the Markov chain. This model will not be written out as a sample.

  • proposals (int) – An integer representing the amount of proposals the algorithm should make.

  • online_thinning (int) – An integer representing the degree of online thinning, i.e. the interval between storing samples.

  • randomize_stepsize (bool) – A boolean enabling the randomization of the stepsize, which helps avoiding MCMC resonance.

  • diagnostic_mode (bool) – A boolean describing if subroutines of sampling should be timed. Useful for finding slow parts of the algorithm. Will add overhead to each function.

  • ram_buffer_size (int) – An integer representing how many samples should be kept in RAM before writing to storage.

  • overwrite_existing_file (bool) – A boolean describing whether or not to silently overwrite existing files. Use with caution.

  • max_time (float) – A float representing the maximum time in seconds that sampling is allowed to take before it is automatically terminated. The value None is used for unlimited time.

  • autotuning (bool) – A boolean describing whether or not stepsize is automatically adjusted. Uses a diminishing adapting scheme to satisfy detailed balance.

  • target_acceptance_rate (float) – A float between 0.0 and 1.0 that is the target acceptance rate of autotuning. The algorithm will try to achieve this acceptance rate.

  • learning_rate (float) – A float larger than 0.5 but smaller than or equal to 1.0, describing how aggressively the stepsize is updated. Lower is more aggresive.

  • AssertionError – For any unspecified invalid entry.

  • ValueError – For any invalid value of algorithm settings.

  • TypeError – For any invalid value of algorithm settings.