Source code for hmclab.Distributions.base

"""Collection of essential distributions don't are simple enough not to warrant their
own file.


from abc import abstractmethod as _abstractmethod
from typing import List as _List
from typing import Union as _Union

import numpy as _numpy

from hmclab.Helpers import RandomMatrices as _RandomMatrices
from hmclab.Helpers.BetterABC import abstractattribute as _abstractattribute
from hmclab.Helpers.BetterABC import ABCMeta as _ABCMeta
from hmclab.Helpers import CustomExceptions as _CustomExceptions

from hmclab.Helpers.CustomExceptions import AbstractMethodError as _AbstractMethodError

[docs]class _AbstractDistribution(metaclass=_ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for distributions. This class is used as the template for any distribution supplied in the package or made by the user. It ensures key componenets are present (such as abstract methods) and takes care of bounded distributions. The abstract methods (e.g. functions that *need* to be created by the user) of this class are: 1. :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.misfit` 2. :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.gradient` Make sure the signature of these functions is correct when implementing. Special care needs to be given to input and output shapes of NumPy arrays, all of which should be column vectors (n×1). Reshaping can be done within the function at will. One abstract attribute is also required: :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.dimensions` """ name: str = None """Name of the distribution."""
[docs] @_abstractattribute def dimensions(self) -> int: """Dimensionality of misfit space. This is an abstract parameter. If it is not defined either in your class directly or in its constructor (the __init__ function) then attempting to use the class will raise a NotImplementedError. Access it like a parameter, not a function: :code:`distribution.dimensions`. """ raise _AbstractMethodError
lower_bounds: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, None] = None """Lower bounds for every parameter. If initialized to None, no bounds are used.""" upper_bounds: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, None] = None """Upper bounds for every parameter. If initialized to None, no bounds are used.""" normalized: bool = False """Boolean describing if the distribution is normalized. Boolean describing if the distribution is normalized, i.e. if we can use it in mixtures of distributions. Is computed typically only after running :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.normalize`"""
[docs] @_abstractmethod def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Compute misfit of distribution. Misfit computation (e.g. log likelihood) of the distribution. This method is present in all implemented derived classes, and should be present, with this exact signature, in all user-implemented derived classes. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the coordinates :math:`\\mathbf{m}`. Returns ------- misfit : float The distribution misfit :math:`\\chi`. The distribution misfit is related to the distribution probability density as: .. math:: \\chi_\\text{distribution} (\\mathbf{m}) \propto -\\log p(\\mathbf{m}). This method is called many times in an HMC appraisal. It is therefore beneficial to optimize the implementation. Note that the distribution need not be normalized, except when using mixtures of distributions. Therefore, distributions for which the normalization constant is intractable should not be used in mixtures. These distributions can be combined using Bayes' rule with other mixtures. """ raise _AbstractMethodError()
[docs] @_abstractmethod def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Compute gradient of distribution. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the coordinates :math:`\\mathbf{m}`. Returns ------- gradient : numpy.ndarray The distribution misfit gradient :math:`\\nabla_\\mathbf{m}\\chi`. The distribution misfit gradient is related to the distribution probability density as: .. math:: \\nabla_\\mathbf{m} \\chi_\\text{distribution} (\\mathbf{m}) = - \\nabla_\\mathbf{m} \\log p(\\mathbf{m}). This method is called many times in an HMC appraisal. It is therefore beneficial to optimize the implementation. """ raise _AbstractMethodError()
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalize distribution. Method to compute the normalization constant of a distribution. As this might take significant time, it is not done in initialization. Raises ------ AttributeError An AttributeError is raised if the distribution provides no way to be normalized, e.g. when the normalization constant is intractable. """ raise AttributeError("This distribution is not normalizable.")
[docs] @_abstractmethod def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Draw samples from distribution. Returns ------- sample : numpy.ndarray A numpy array shaped as (dimensions, repeat) containing a sample of the distribution. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the distribution does not allow generation of samples. This method is mostly a convenience class. The algorithm itself does not require the implementation. """ raise _AbstractMethodError()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "_AbstractDistribution": """Create default instance. Method to create a default version of the distribution, given a specific dimensionality. Used in automated testing. Can be used on the class instead of an instance, e.g.:: class.create_default(10) Parameters ---------- dimensions : int Integer corresponding to the amount of free parameters the distribution should have. Returns ------- distribution : derivative of _AbstractDistribution An instance of the derived class with the requested amount of free parameters. Raises ------ NotImplementedError A NotImplementedError is raised if the distribution provides no way create a model for the requested dimensionality. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def corrector(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray, momentum: _numpy.ndarray): """Correct HMC trajectory. Method to correct an HMC particle for bounded distributions, which is called after every time integration step. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the coordinates :math:`\\mathbf{m}` upon which to operate by reference. momentum : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the momenta :math:`\\mathbf{p}` upon which to operate by reference. """ if self.lower_bounds is not None: # Lower bound correction too_low = coordinates < self.lower_bounds coordinates[too_low] += 2 * ( self.lower_bounds[too_low] - coordinates[too_low] ) momentum[too_low] *= -1.0 if self.upper_bounds is not None: # Upper bound correction too_high = coordinates > self.upper_bounds coordinates[too_high] += 2 * ( self.upper_bounds[too_high] - coordinates[too_high] ) momentum[too_high] *= -1.0
[docs] def update_bounds( self, lower: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, None] = None, upper: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, None] = None, ): """Update bounded distribution. This method updates the bounds of a distribution. Note that invocating it, does not require both bounds to be passed. If both vectors are passed, ensure that all upper bounds are above the corresponding lower bounds. Parameters ---------- lower : numpy.ndarray or `None` Either an array shaped as (dimensions, 1) with floats for the lower bounds, or `None` for no bounds. If some dimensions should be bounded, while others should not, use ``-numpy.inf`` within the vector as needed. upper : numpy.ndarray or `None` Either an array shaped as (dimensions, 1) with floats for the upper bounds, or `None` for no bounds. If some dimensions should be bounded, while others should not, use ``numpy.inf`` within the vector as needed. Raises ------ ValueError A ValueError is raised if the supplied upper and lower bounds are incompatible. """ old_limits = (self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds) if type(upper) == list: upper = _numpy.array(upper)[:, None] if type(lower) == list: lower = _numpy.array(lower)[:, None] # Set the bounds --------------------------------------------------------------- self.upper_bounds = upper self.lower_bounds = lower # Check the types -------------------------------------------------------------- if lower is not None and type(lower) is not _numpy.ndarray: # Lower bound is wrong # Reset bounds self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds = old_limits # Raise error raise ValueError("Lower bounds object not understood.") if upper is not None and type(upper) is not _numpy.ndarray: # Upper bound is wrong # Reset bounds self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds = old_limits # Raise error raise ValueError("Upper bounds object not understood.") # Check for both arrays; if they are not None, if the dimension is correct. ---- if ( self.lower_bounds is not None and self.lower_bounds.shape != (self.dimensions, 1) ) or ( self.upper_bounds is not None and self.upper_bounds.shape != (self.dimensions, 1) ): # Reset bounds self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds = old_limits # Raise error raise ValueError("Bounds vectors are of incorrect size.") # Check that all upper bounds are (finitely) above lower bounds ---------------- if ( self.lower_bounds is not None and self.upper_bounds is not None and _numpy.any(self.upper_bounds <= self.lower_bounds) ): # Reset bounds self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds = old_limits # Raise error raise ValueError("Bounds vectors are incompatible.")
[docs] def misfit_bounds(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Compute misfit of bounded distribution. Method to compute the misfit associated with the truncated part of the distribution. Used internally.""" if ( self.lower_bounds is not None and _numpy.any(coordinates < self.lower_bounds) ) or ( self.upper_bounds is not None and _numpy.any(coordinates > self.upper_bounds) ): return _numpy.inf return 0.0
[docs]class StandardNormal1D(_AbstractDistribution): """Standard normal distribution in 1 dimension.""" mean = 0.0 """Mean of the standard Normal distribution""" std = 1.0 """Standard deviation of the standard Normal distribution""" dimensions = 1 """Amount of dimensions on which the distribution is defined""" name = "Standard normal distribution in 1 dimension." """Name of the distribution."""
[docs] def __init__(self, temperature=1.0): """ """ self.temperature = temperature
[docs] def misfit(self, m: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Compute misfit of distribution. Method to compute the misfit of a distribution for a given model m. See, :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.misfit` for details. """ _CustomExceptions.Assertions.assert_shape(m, (1, 1)) return self.misfit_bounds(m) + (0.5 * m[0, 0] ** 2).item() / self.temperature
[docs] def gradient(self, m: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Compute gradient of distribution. Method to compute the gradient of a distribution for a given model m. See, :meth:`hmclab.Distributions._AbstractDistribution.gradient` for details. """ _CustomExceptions.Assertions.assert_shape(m, (1, 1)) return m / self.temperature
@staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "StandardNormal1D": if dimensions == 1: return StandardNormal1D() else: raise _CustomExceptions.InvalidCaseError() def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: return rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, (1, repeat))
[docs]class Normal(_AbstractDistribution): """Normal distribution in model space. Parameters ---------- dimensions : int Dimension of the distribution. means : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) containing the means of the distribution. covariance : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as either as (dimensions, dimensions) or (dimensions, 1). This array represents either the full covariance matrix for a multivariate Gaussian, or an column vector with variances for `dimensions` separate uncorrelated Gaussians. lower_bounds: numpy.ndarray Numpy array of shape (dimensions, 1) that contains the lower limits of each parameter. upper_bounds: numpy.ndarray Numpy array of shape (dimensions, 1) that contains the upper limits of each parameter. """
[docs] def __init__( self, means: _numpy.ndarray, covariance: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, float, None], inverse_covariance: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, float, None] = None, lower_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, upper_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, ): = "Gaussian (normal) distribution" if type(means) == list: means = _numpy.array(means)[:, None] if type(covariance) == list: covariance = _numpy.array(covariance)[:, None] # Automatically get dimensionality from means if type(means) == float or type(means) == int: self.dimensions: int = 1 else: self.dimensions: int = means.size """Amount of dimensions on which the distribution is defined, should agree with means and covariance, and optionally coordinate_transformation.""" self.diagonal: bool = False """Indicator whether or not the covariance matrix is diagonal, i.e. if the distribution is uncorrelated.""" self.means: _numpy.ndarray = None """Means in model space""" self.covariance: _numpy.ndarray = None """Covariance matrix in model space""" self.inverse_covariance: _numpy.ndarray = None """Inverse covariance matrix""" self.normalization_constant = 0.0 """Covariance matrix determinant and dimensionality factored in single likelihood term. Uncomputed if normalized() is never called.""" self.generate_ready = False # Parse means if type(means) == float or type(means) == int: means = _numpy.ones((self.dimensions, 1)) * means else: means.shape = (self.dimensions, 1) self.means: _numpy.ndarray = means # Parse covariance if ( type(covariance) == float or type(covariance) == _numpy.float64 or type(covariance) == _numpy.float32 or type(covariance) == int ): covariance = _numpy.float64(covariance) self.diagonal = True elif covariance.shape == (means.size, means.size): # Supplied a full covariance matrix, could be either NumPy or SciPy # matrix. self.diagonal = False else: # Supplied a diagonal of a covariance matrix self.diagonal = True covariance.shape = (self.dimensions, 1) self.covariance = covariance # Precomputing inverses to speed up misfit and gradient computation ------------ if inverse_covariance is not None: # There are many ways in which one could optimize the computation of a # specific PD-matrix inverse. Let the user compute and provide it if wanted. self.inverse_covariance = inverse_covariance elif self.diagonal: # If the user does not provide one, at least check if the covariance matrix # is diagonal, which makes computation of the inverse scale much better. self.inverse_covariance: _numpy.ndarray = 1.0 / self.covariance else: # Else, brute force calculation of the inverse using numpy. self.inverse_covariance: _numpy.ndarray = _numpy.linalg.inv(self.covariance) if self.dimensions == 1: self.diagonal = True # Process optional bounds ------------------------------------------------------ self.update_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
[docs] def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Method to compute the misfit of a Normal distribution distribution.""" if self.diagonal: return ( self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) + 0.5 * ( (self.means - coordinates).T
[docs] @ (self.inverse_covariance * (self.means - coordinates)) ).flatten()[0] + self.normalization_constant ) else: return ( self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) + 0.5 * ( (self.means - coordinates).T @ self.inverse_covariance @ (self.means - coordinates) ).flatten()[0] + self.normalization_constant )
def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Method to compute the gradient of the distribution.""" if self.diagonal: return -self.inverse_covariance * ( self.means - coordinates ) + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) else: return -self.inverse_covariance @ ( self.means - coordinates ) + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates)
def normalize(self): if ( type(self.covariance) == float or type(self.covariance) == _numpy.float64 or type(self.covariance) == _numpy.float32 or type(self.covariance) == int ): determinant = self.covariance**self.dimensions elif self.covariance.shape == (self.means.size, self.means.size): determinant = _numpy.linalg.det(self.covariance) elif self.covariance.shape == (self.means.size, 1): determinant = else: raise ValueError("Covariance matrix shape not understood.") self.normalization_constant = 0.5 * ( _numpy.log(_numpy.abs(determinant)) + self.dimensions * _numpy.log(2 * _numpy.pi) ) def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: if not self.generate_ready: if self.diagonal: self.standard_deviation = self.covariance**0.5 else: # Perform Cholesky decomposition self.covariance_cholesky = _numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.covariance) self.generate_ready = True if self.diagonal: return ( rng.normal(size=(self.dimensions, repeat)) * self.standard_deviation + self.means ) else: return ( self.covariance_cholesky @ _numpy.random.default_rng().normal(size=(self.dimensions, repeat)) + self.means ) @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int, diagonal=False) -> "Normal": # Create random means means = _numpy.random.rand(dimensions, 1) if not diagonal: # Create a PD matrix with some extra definiteness by adding the identity correlation = _RandomMatrices.random_correlation_matrix(dimensions) # Standard deviations between 1 and 2 standard_deviations = _numpy.diag( _numpy.random.rand( dimensions, ) + 1 ) if diagonal: covariance = _numpy.diag(standard_deviations * standard_deviations) else: covariance = standard_deviations @ correlation @ standard_deviations return Normal(means, covariance)
[docs]class Laplace(_AbstractDistribution): """Laplace distribution in model space. Least absolute deviations, Laplace distribution, LASSO, L1 """
[docs] def __init__( self, means: _numpy.ndarray, dispersions: _Union[_numpy.ndarray, float, None], lower_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, upper_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, ): # Automatically get dimensionality from means self.dimensions = means.size means.shape = (self.dimensions, 1) self.means = means """A float or numpy.ndarray of shape (dimensions, 1) of floats describing the mean of the uncorrelated multivariate Laplace distribution.""" dispersions.shape = (self.dimensions, 1) self.dispersions = dispersions """A positive float or numpy.ndarray of shape (dimensions, 1) of positive floats describing the dispersion of the uncorrelated multivariate Laplace distribution.""" self.inverse_dispersions = 1.0 / dispersions """A positive float or numpy.ndarray of shape (dimensions, 1) of positive floats describing the inverse dispersion of the uncorrelated multivariate Laplace distribution. Used to accelerate computations at the cost of memory usage.""" self.normalization_constant = 0.0 self.update_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
[docs] def misfit(self, coordinates) -> float: """Method to compute the misfit the distribution.""" return ( self.normalization_constant + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) + ( _numpy.sum( _numpy.abs(coordinates - self.means) * self.inverse_dispersions ) ).flatten()[0] )
[docs] def gradient(self, coordinates): """Method to compute the gradient the distribution.""" # The derivative of the function |x| is simply 1 or -1, depending on the sign # of x, subsequently scaled by the dispersion. return ( self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) + _numpy.sign(coordinates - self.means) * self.inverse_dispersions )
def normalize(self): if ( type(self.dispersions) == float or type(self.dispersions) == _numpy.float64 or type(self.dispersions) == _numpy.float32 or type(self.dispersions) == int ): self.normalization_constant = _numpy.log(1.0 / (2.0 * self.dispersions)) elif self.dispersions.shape == (self.means.size, 1): self.normalization_constant = _numpy.log( 1.0 / (2.0 * ( ** (1.0 / self.dimensions))) ) else: raise ValueError("Covariance matrix shape not understood.") def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError( "Generating samples from this distribution is not implemented or supported." ) @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "Laplace": # Create random means means = _numpy.random.rand(dimensions, 1) # Create a PD matrix with some extra definiteness by adding the identity dispersions = 10 ** _numpy.random.rand(dimensions, 1) return Laplace(means, dispersions)
[docs]class Uniform(_AbstractDistribution): """Uniform bounded or unbouded distribution in model space. Parameters ---------- lower_bounds: numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of shape (dimensions, 1) that contains the lower limits of each parameter. upper_bounds: numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of shape (dimensions, 1) that contains the upper limits of each parameter. """
[docs] def __init__( self, lower_bounds: _numpy.ndarray, upper_bounds: _numpy.ndarray, ): = "uniform distribution" lower_bounds = _numpy.asarray(lower_bounds) lower_bounds = _numpy.resize(lower_bounds, (lower_bounds.size, 1)) upper_bounds = _numpy.asarray(upper_bounds) upper_bounds = _numpy.resize(upper_bounds, (upper_bounds.size, 1)) # Automatically get dimensionality from bounds dimensions = lower_bounds.size self.dimensions = dimensions self.update_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
[docs] def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Method to compute the misfit of a uniform distribution.""" return self.misfit_bounds(coordinates)
[docs] def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Method to compute the gradient of a uniform distribution.""" return _numpy.zeros((self.dimensions, 1)) + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates)
def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: return rng.uniform( self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds, (self.dimensions, repeat) ) @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "Uniform": lower_bounds = _numpy.random.rand(dimensions, 1) * 5 - 10 upper_bounds = _numpy.random.rand(dimensions, 1) * 5 + 10 return Uniform(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
[docs]class CompositeDistribution(_AbstractDistribution): """Distribution distribution combined from multiple unconditional distributions. Parameters ========== dimensions : int Combined dimension of all the separate distributions list_of_distributions : List[_AbstractDistribution] List of all separate distributions. Raises ====== ValueError Raised if the passed dimensions do not correspond to the sum of the separate dimensions of each distribution. This class can be used when two or more sets of coordinates should be described by different distributions, e.g. when one set requires a Normal distribution and another a uniform distribution. """
[docs] def __init__( self, list_of_distributions: _List[_AbstractDistribution] = None, lower_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, upper_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, ): = "composite distribution" self.separate_distributions: _List[ _AbstractDistribution ] = list_of_distributions self.enumerated_dimensions: _numpy.ndarray = _numpy.empty( (len(self.separate_distributions)) ) """This object describes how many dimensions each distribution has, ordered according to ``CompositeDistribution.separate_distributions``. Sums to ``CompositeDistribution.dimesions``. """ # Assert that the passed distributions actually do represent the correct amount # of dimensions, and seperately extract the size of each distribution computed_dimensions: int = 0 for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): computed_dimensions += distribution.dimensions self.enumerated_dimensions[i_distribution] = distribution.dimensions self.dimensions = computed_dimensions self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative: _numpy.ndarray = _numpy.cumsum( self.enumerated_dimensions, dtype="int" )[:-1] """This object describes each separate distribution index in combined model space. Invoking ``numpy.split(m, CompositeDistribution.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative)[:-1])`` splits a vector appropriately for all separate distributions. """ self.lower_bounds = lower_bounds self.upper_bounds = upper_bounds
def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: # Split coordinates for all sub-distributions ---------------------------------- split_coordinates = _numpy.split( coordinates, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative ) misfit = 0.0 # Loop over distributions and add misfit --------------------------------------- for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): misfit += distribution.misfit(split_coordinates[i_distribution]) return misfit + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: # Split coordinates for all sub-distributions ---------------------------------- split_coordinates = _numpy.split( coordinates, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative ) gradients = [] # Loop over distributions and compute gradient --------------------------------- for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): gradients.append(distribution.gradient(split_coordinates[i_distribution])) # Vertically stack gradients --------------------------------------------------- gradient = _numpy.vstack(gradients) assert gradient.shape == coordinates.shape return gradient + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: samples = [] for distribution in self.separate_distributions: samples.append(distribution.generate(repeat=repeat, rng=rng)) return _numpy.vstack(samples)
[docs] def collapse_bounds(self): """Method to restructure all composite bounds into top level object.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def corrector(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray, momentum: _numpy.ndarray): """Override method to correct an HMC particle for composite distribution, which is called after every time integration step. Calls all sub-correctors only if the object does not have bounds itself. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the coordinates :math:`\\mathbf{m}` upon which to operate by reference. momentum : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the momenta :math:`\\mathbf{p}` upon which to operate by reference. """ # Start with bounds of CompositeDistribution ----------------------------------- if self.lower_bounds is not None: # Lower bound correction too_low = coordinates < self.lower_bounds coordinates[too_low] += 2 * ( self.lower_bounds[too_low] - coordinates[too_low] ) momentum[too_low] *= -1.0 if self.upper_bounds is not None: # Upper bound correction too_high = coordinates > self.upper_bounds coordinates[too_high] += 2 * ( self.upper_bounds[too_high] - coordinates[too_high] ) momentum[too_high] *= -1.0 # If they are not set, check subdistributions. if self.lower_bounds is None and self.upper_bounds is None: # Split coordinates and momenta for all sub-distributions ------------------ split_coordinates = _numpy.split( coordinates, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative ) split_momenta = _numpy.split( momentum, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative ) # And loop over separate distributions to check bounds for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): if distribution.lower_bounds is not None: # Lower bound correction too_low = ( split_coordinates[i_distribution] < distribution.lower_bounds ) split_coordinates[i_distribution][too_low] += 2 * ( distribution.lower_bounds[too_low] - split_coordinates[i_distribution][too_low] ) split_momenta[i_distribution][too_low] *= -1.0 if distribution.upper_bounds is not None: # Upper bound correction too_high = ( split_coordinates[i_distribution] > distribution.upper_bounds ) split_coordinates[i_distribution][too_high] += 2 * ( distribution.upper_bounds[too_high] - split_coordinates[i_distribution][too_high] ) split_momenta[i_distribution][too_high] *= -1.0
@staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "CompositeDistribution": # Create a list of all possible distributions available_distributions = _AbstractDistribution.__subclasses__() # We don't want to recursively create many distributions, so remove those for distribution_to_remove in [ CompositeDistribution, AdditiveDistribution, ]: available_distributions.remove(distribution_to_remove) if dimensions != 2: # This guy only supports 2 dimensions available_distributions.remove(Himmelblau) # We select distributions at random selected_classes = _numpy.random.choice(available_distributions, dimensions) list_of_instances = [d_class.create_default(1) for d_class in selected_classes] return CompositeDistribution(list_of_instances)
[docs]class AdditiveDistribution(_AbstractDistribution): """Distribution generated by summing the characteristic functions of two other distributions. This is essentially the unnormalized Bayes' rule. """
[docs] def __init__( self, list_of_distributions: _List[_AbstractDistribution], lower_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, upper_bounds: _numpy.ndarray = None, ): = "additive distribution" # Automatically get dimensionality from first distribution self.dimensions = list_of_distributions[0].dimensions self.separate_distributions: _List[ _AbstractDistribution ] = list_of_distributions # Assert that the passed distributions are of the right dimension for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): assert distribution.dimensions == self.dimensions self.lower_bounds = lower_bounds self.upper_bounds = upper_bounds self.collapse_bounds()
def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: misfit = 0.0 # Loop over distributions and add misfit --------------------------------------- for distribution in self.separate_distributions: misfit += distribution.misfit(coordinates) return misfit + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: gradient = _numpy.zeros((self.dimensions, 1)) # Loop over distributions and compute gradient --------------------------------- for distribution in self.separate_distributions: gradient += distribution.gradient(coordinates) assert gradient.shape == coordinates.shape return gradient + self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError( "Generating samples from this distribution is not implemented or supported." )
[docs] def collapse_bounds(self): """Method to restructure all composite bounds into top level object.""" # Iterate over all subdistributions for i_distribution, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): # Assert that every subdistribution has the right shape assert distribution.dimensions == self.dimensions # If the subdistribution has lower bounds ... act if distribution.lower_bounds is not None: # Assert the bounds have the right shape assert distribution.lower_bounds.shape == (self.dimensions, 1) if self.lower_bounds is None: # If the top level distribution doesn't have lower bounds yet, # simply add the new bounds self.lower_bounds = distribution.lower_bounds else: # If the top level distribution does already have lower bounds, take # the maximum of every separate bound self.lower_bounds = _numpy.maximum( self.lower_bounds, distribution.lower_bounds ) # If the subdistribution has upper bounds ... act if distribution.upper_bounds is not None: # Assert the bounds have the right shape assert distribution.upper_bounds.shape == (self.dimensions, 1) if self.upper_bounds is None: # If the top level distribution doesn't have upper bounds yet, # simply add the new bounds self.upper_bounds = distribution.upper_bounds else: # If the top level distribution does already have upper bounds, take # the minimum of every separate bound self.upper_bounds = _numpy.minimum( self.upper_bounds, distribution.upper_bounds )
[docs] def add_distribution(self, distribution: _AbstractDistribution): """Add a distribution to the object.""" assert distribution.dimensions == self.dimensions self.separate_distributions.append(distribution) self.collapse_bounds()
[docs] def corrector(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray, momentum: _numpy.ndarray): """Override method to correct an HMC particle for additive distribution, which is called after every time integration step. Calls all sub-correctors only if the object does not have bounds itself. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the coordinates :math:`\\mathbf{m}` upon which to operate by reference. momentum : numpy.ndarray Numpy array shaped as (dimensions, 1) representing a column vector containing the momenta :math:`\\mathbf{p}` upon which to operate by reference. """ # Start with bounds of CompositeDistribution ----------------------------------- if self.lower_bounds is not None: # Lower bound correction too_low = coordinates < self.lower_bounds coordinates[too_low] += 2 * ( self.lower_bounds[too_low] - coordinates[too_low] ) momentum[too_low] *= -1.0 if self.upper_bounds is not None: # Upper bound correction too_high = coordinates > self.upper_bounds coordinates[too_high] += 2 * ( self.upper_bounds[too_high] - coordinates[too_high] ) momentum[too_high] *= -1.0
# # If they are not set, check subdistributions. # if self.lower_bounds is None and self.upper_bounds is None: # # Split coordinates and momenta for all sub-distributions ---------------- # split_coordinates = _numpy.split( # coordinates, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative # ) # split_momenta = _numpy.split( # momentum, self.enumerated_dimensions_cumulative # ) # # And loop over separate distributions to check bounds # for i_dis, distribution in enumerate(self.separate_distributions): # if distribution.lower_bounds is not None: # # Lower bound correction # too_low = split_coordinates[i_dis] < distribution.lower_bounds # split_coordinates[i_dis][too_low] += 2 * ( # distribution.lower_bounds[too_low] # - split_coordinates[i_dis][too_low] # ) # split_momenta[i_dis][too_low] *= -1.0 # if distribution.upper_bounds is not None: # # Upper bound correction # too_high = split_coordinates[i_dis] > distribution.upper_bounds # split_coordinates[i_dis][too_high] += 2 * ( # distribution.upper_bounds[too_high] # - split_coordinates[i_dis][too_high] # ) # split_momenta[i_dis][too_high] *= -1.0 @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "AdditiveDistribution": # Create a list of all possible distributions available_distributions = _AbstractDistribution.__subclasses__() # We don't want to recursively create many distributions, so remove those for distribution_to_remove in [ CompositeDistribution, AdditiveDistribution, ]: available_distributions.remove(distribution_to_remove) if dimensions != 2: # This guy only supports 2 dimensions available_distributions.remove(Himmelblau) # We select distributions at random selected_classes = _numpy.random.choice(available_distributions, 3) list_of_instances = [ d_class.create_default(dimensions) for d_class in selected_classes ] return AdditiveDistribution(list_of_instances)
# This creates an alias for AdditiveDistribution
[docs]class BayesRule(AdditiveDistribution): """A class to apply (the unnormalized) Bayes' rule to two or more distributions.""" pass
[docs]class Himmelblau(_AbstractDistribution): """Himmelblau's 2-dimensional function. Himmelblau's function is defined as: .. math:: f(x,y)=(x^{2}+y-11)^{2}+(x+y^{2}-7)^{2} """ name: str = "Himmelblau's function" dimensions: int = 2 temperature: float = 1 """Float representing the temperature (or annealing, :math:`T`) of Himmelblau's function. Alters the misfit function in the following way: .. math:: f(x,y)_T=\\frac{f(x,y)}{T} """
[docs] def __init__(self, temperature: float = 1): self.temperature = temperature
[docs] def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: """Returns the value of Himmelblau's function at the given coordinates.""" if coordinates.shape != (self.dimensions, 1): raise ValueError() x = coordinates[0, 0] y = coordinates[1, 0] return ( self.misfit_bounds(coordinates) + ( ((x**2 + y - 11) ** 2 + (x + y**2 - 7) ** 2) / self.temperature ).item() )
[docs] def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: """Returns a numpy.ndarray shaped as (dimensions, 1) containing the gradient of Himmelblau's function at the given coordinates.""" x = coordinates[0] y = coordinates[1] gradient = _numpy.zeros((self.dimensions, 1)) gradient[0] = 2 * (2 * x * (x**2 + y - 11) + x + y**2 - 7) gradient[1] = 2 * (x**2 + 2 * y * (x + y**2 - 7) + y - 11) return gradient / self.temperature
def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError( "Generating samples from this distribution is not implemented or supported." ) @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "Himmelblau": if dimensions != 2: raise _CustomExceptions.InvalidCaseError() temperature = 1.0 return Himmelblau(temperature=temperature)
class Mixture(_AbstractDistribution): def __init__(self, distributions, probabilities): self.distributions = distributions self.dimensions = self.distributions[0].dimensions self.probabilities = probabilities for dis in self.distributions: if not dis.normalized: dis.normalize() assert dis.dimensions == self.dimensions def misfit(self, m): misfits = [d.misfit(m) for d in self.distributions] return self.misfit_bounds(m) - _numpy.log( _numpy.sum(_numpy.exp(_numpy.log(self.probabilities) - misfits)) ) def gradient(self, m): misfits = [d.misfit(m) for d in self.distributions] gradients = _numpy.array([d.gradient(m) for d in self.distributions]) probs = _numpy.exp(_numpy.log(self.probabilities) - misfits) gr = _numpy.sum( _numpy.array([prob * (-grad) for prob, grad in zip(probs, gradients)]), axis=0, ) return -gr / _numpy.sum(probs) @staticmethod def create_default(dimensions: int) -> "Mixture": Normal1 = Normal.create_default(dimensions) Normal2 = Normal.create_default(dimensions) return Mixture([Normal1, Normal2], [0.5, 0.5]) def generate(self, repeat=1, rng=_numpy.random.default_rng()) -> _numpy.ndarray: # TODO; this one is doable raise NotImplementedError def EvaluationLimiter_ClassConstructor( base, limit, gradient_count: int = 1, throw_interrupt=True, ): class EvaluationLimiter(base): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.limit = limit self.gradient_count = gradient_count self.throw_interrupt = throw_interrupt if self.limit == 0: self.throw_interrupt = False self.evaluations = 0 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def misfit(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> float: if self.throw_interrupt and self.evaluations > self.limit: self.evaluations = 0 raise KeyboardInterrupt self.evaluations += 1 return super().misfit(coordinates) def gradient(self, coordinates: _numpy.ndarray) -> _numpy.ndarray: if self.throw_interrupt and self.evaluations > self.limit: self.evaluations = 0 raise KeyboardInterrupt self.evaluations += self.gradient_count return super().gradient(coordinates) return EvaluationLimiter